Welcome to the GeoNadir Community
Like you, we hate spam, so we will only send you emails that we hope you find interesting and valuable.
We typically share drone image collections from around the world, Stories from Above, along with tips and tricks to help you perfect your craft.
Thank you for being part of the GeoNadir community. It’s great to have you here.
It’s easy to set up your GeoNadir Account
With your new account you can:
- Upload your full high-resolution drone data in minutes
- Organise and share your drone data collections
- And we’ll stitch your images together to create an orthomosaic for FREE!
Get started by setting up your account now!
If you haven't downloaded this eBook already, then we highly recommend it!
An Introductory Guide to Drone Mapping
Getting started with #dronemapping just got easier with our Introductory Guide to #Drone #Mapping e-book
Part 1: Mission Planning!